- 2024.05.03 创建笔记
合一算法(Unification Algorithm)是一种用于求解类型约束方程的算法,它用于确定类型变量的具体类型,使得方程得以满足。
对于某些可解的合一问题,可能存在无限多个可能的合一结果。合一算法的目标是找到一组最一般的类型替换,使得所有的类型约束方程都得以满足,这被称为最一般合一子或MGU(Most General Unifier)。通过替换,最一般合一子可以转化为任何其他合一子。
class Type: ...
class IntType(Type): ...
class BoolType(Type): ...
class FuncType(Type): ...
class TypeVar(Type): ... # 类型变量
# typ_x、typ_y 是等式两边的表达式,subst 是能够替换的变量集合
# subst == None 表示合一失败
def unify(typ_x, typ_y, subst):
if subst is None:
return None
elif typ_x == typ_y:
return subst
elif isinstance(typ_x, TypeVar):
return unify_variable(typ_x, typ_y, subst)
elif isinstance(typ_y, TypeVar):
return unify_variable(typ_y, typ_x, subst)
elif isinstance(typ_x, FuncType) and isinstance(typ_y, FuncType):
if len(typ_x.argtypes) != len(typ_y.argtypes):
return None
subst = unify(typ_x.rettype, typ_y.rettype, subst)
for i in range(len(typ_x.argtypes)):
subst = unify(typ_x.argtypes[i], typ_y.argtypes[i], subst)
return subst
return None
def unify_variable(v, typ, subst):
assert isinstance(v, TypeVar)
if v.name in subst:
return unify(subst[v.name], typ, subst)
elif isinstance(typ, TypeVar) and typ.name in subst:
return unify(v, subst[typ.name], subst)
elif occurs_check(v, typ, subst):
return None
return {**subst, v.name: typ}
# 检查 v 是否出现在 term 中,防止像 X=f(X) 的死循环
def occurs_check(v, typ, subst):
assert isinstance(v, TypeVar)
if v == typ:
return True
elif isinstance(typ, TypeVar) and typ.name in subst:
return occurs_check(v, subst[typ.name], subst)
elif isinstance(typ, FuncType):
return (occurs_check(v, typ.rettype, subst) or
any(occurs_check(v, arg, subst) for arg in typ.argtypes))
return False
单向类型推断(Uni-directional type inference)是一种从表达式到类型的推断过程,它根据表达式的结构和上下文信息,逐步推导出表达式的类型。在单向类型推断中,类型信息从上游的表达式传递到下游的子表达式,直到推断出整个表达式的类型。这种推断方法常用于静态类型语言中,例如Java和C++。
双向类型推断(Bi-directional type inference (Hindley-Milner))是一种结合了类型推导和类型检查的推断方法。它将类型推导(从表达式到类型的推断)和类型检查(从类型到表达式的检查)结合在一起,通过双向的信息流来推断表达式的类型。在双向类型推断中,表达式的类型信息既从上游的表达式传递到下游的子表达式,也从下游的子表达式传递到上游的表达式。这种推断方法常用于函数式编程语言中,例如Haskell和ML。
Hindley-Milner 算法实现步骤:
foo f g x = if f(x == 1) then g(x) else 20
表达式 | 类型符号 |
foo | t0 |
f | t1 |
g | t2 |
x | t3 |
if f(x == 1) then g(x) else 20 | t4 |
f(x == 1) | t5 |
x == 1 | t6 |
x | t3 |
g(x) | t7 |
20 | Int |
Lhs | Rhs | 类型方程节点 |
Int | Int | 1 |
t3 | Int | (x == 1) |
Int | Int | (x == 1) |
t6 | Bool | (x == 1) |
t1 | (t6 -> t5) | App(f, [(x == 1)]) |
t2 | (t3 -> t7) | App(g, [x]) |
Int | Int | 20 |
t5 | Bool | If(App(f, [(x == 1)]), App(g, [x]), 20) |
t4 | t7 | If(App(f, [(x == 1)]), App(g, [x]), 20) |
t4 | Int | If(App(f, [(x == 1)]), App(g, [x]), 20) |
t0 | ((t1, t2, t3) -> t4) | Lambda([f, g, x], If(App(f, [(x == 1)]), App(g, [x]), 20)) |
((Bool -> Bool), (Int -> Int), Int) -> Int
foo f g x = if f(x) then g(x) else 20
((a -> Bool), (a -> Int), a) -> Int
# 算法第一步,给 ast 节点的 _type 字段赋值
def assign_typenames(node, symtab={}):
if isinstance(node, ast.Identifier):
if node.name in symtab:
node._type = symtab[node.name]
raise TypingError('unbound name "{}"'.format(node.name))
elif isinstance(node, ast.LambdaExpr):
node._type = TypeVar(_get_fresh_typename())
local_symtab = dict()
for argname in node.argnames:
typename = _get_fresh_typename()
local_symtab[argname] = TypeVar(typename)
node._arg_types = local_symtab
assign_typenames(node.expr, {**symtab, **local_symtab})
elif isinstance(node, ast.OpExpr):
node._type = TypeVar(_get_fresh_typename())
node.visit_children(lambda c: assign_typenames(c, symtab))
elif isinstance(node, ast.IfExpr):
node._type = TypeVar(_get_fresh_typename())
node.visit_children(lambda c: assign_typenames(c, symtab))
elif isinstance(node, ast.AppExpr):
node._type = TypeVar(_get_fresh_typename())
node.visit_children(lambda c: assign_typenames(c, symtab))
elif isinstance(node, ast.IntConstant):
node._type = IntType()
elif isinstance(node, ast.BoolConstant):
node._type = BoolType()
raise TypingError('unknown node {}', type(node))
# 算法第二步。类型方程列表结果在type_equations
def generate_equations(node, type_equations):
if isinstance(node, ast.IntConstant):
type_equations.append(TypeEquation(node._type, IntType(), node))
elif isinstance(node, ast.BoolConstant):
type_equations.append(TypeEquation(node._type, BoolType(), node))
elif isinstance(node, ast.Identifier):
elif isinstance(node, ast.OpExpr):
node.visit_children(lambda c: generate_equations(c, type_equations))
type_equations.append(TypeEquation(node.left._type, IntType(), node))
type_equations.append(TypeEquation(node.right._type, IntType(), node))
if node.op in {'!=', '==', '>=', '<=', '>', '<'}:
type_equations.append(TypeEquation(node._type, BoolType(), node))
type_equations.append(TypeEquation(node._type, IntType(), node))
elif isinstance(node, ast.AppExpr):
node.visit_children(lambda c: generate_equations(c, type_equations))
argtypes = [arg._type for arg in node.args]
FuncType(argtypes, node._type),
elif isinstance(node, ast.IfExpr):
node.visit_children(lambda c: generate_equations(c, type_equations))
type_equations.append(TypeEquation(node.ifexpr._type, BoolType(), node))
type_equations.append(TypeEquation(node._type, node.thenexpr._type, node))
type_equations.append(TypeEquation(node._type, node.elseexpr._type, node))
elif isinstance(node, ast.LambdaExpr):
node.visit_children(lambda c: generate_equations(c, type_equations))
argtypes = [node._arg_types[name] for name in node.argnames]
FuncType(argtypes, node.expr._type), node))
raise TypingError('unknown node {}', type(node))
# 类型变量替换。合一的结果在 subst
def apply_unifier(typ, subst):
if subst is None:
return None
elif len(subst) == 0:
return typ
elif isinstance(typ, (BoolType, IntType)):
return typ
elif isinstance(typ, TypeVar):
if typ.name in subst:
return apply_unifier(subst[typ.name], subst)
return typ
elif isinstance(typ, FuncType):
newargtypes = [apply_unifier(arg, subst) for arg in typ.argtypes]
return FuncType(newargtypes,
apply_unifier(typ.rettype, subst))
return None