- 2024.05.08 创建笔记
语法与语义见 readme。
class ExprNode: ...
class NumberNode(ExprNode): ...
class StringNode(ExprNode): ...
class IntrinsicNode(ExprNode): ...
class VariableNode(ExprNode): ...
class LambdaNode(ExprNode): ...
class LetrecNode(ExprNode): ...
class IfNode(ExprNode): ...
class CallNode(ExprNode): ...
class SequenceNode(ExprNode): ...
class QueryNode(ExprNode): ...
class AccessNode(ExprNode): ...
class Value: ...
class Void(Value): ...
class Number(Value): ...
class String(Value): ...
class Closure(Value): ...
class Continuation(Value): ...
class Layer:
def __init__(self, env: list[tuple[str, int]], expr: ExprNode, frame: Union[bool, None] = None, tail: Union[bool, None] = None):
self.env = env # frame 之间的 Layer 共享同一个 env
self.expr = expr
self.frame = False if frame is None else frame
self.pc = 0 # 记录自身 Layer 的执行位置
class State:
def __init__(self, expr: ExprNode):
self.stack = [Layer(main_env, None, frame = True), Layer(main_env, expr)]
self.value = None
def execute(self) -> 'State':
while True:
layer = self.stack[-1]
if layer.expr is None:
return self
elif type(layer.expr) == CallNode:
if 2 < layer.pc <= len(layer.expr.arg_list) + 2:
if layer.pc == 0:
self.stack.append(Layer(layer.env, layer.expr.callee))
layer.pc += 1
elif layer.pc == 1:
layer.local['callee'] = self.value
layer.local['args'] = []
layer.pc += 1
elif layer.pc <= len(layer.expr.arg_list) + 1:
self.stack.append(Layer(layer.env, layer.expr.arg_list[layer.pc - 2]))
layer.pc += 1
elif layer.pc == len(layer.expr.arg_list) + 2:
callee = layer.local['callee']
args = layer.local['args']
if type(callee) == Closure:
closure = callee
new_env = closure.env[:]
for i, v in enumerate(closure.fun.var_list):
addr = args[i].location if args[i].location != None else self._new(args[i])
new_env.append((v.name, addr))
self.stack.append(Layer(new_env, closure.fun.expr, frame = True))
layer.pc += 1
以 (lambda (x y) { [(.+ x y)] } 1 2)
- Layer(main_env, None, frame = True)
- Layer(main_env, CallNode) # (lambda (x y) { [(.+ x y)] } 1 2)
- Layer(main_env, None, frame = True)
- Layer(main_env, CallNode) # (lambda (x y) { [(.+ x y)] } 1 2)
- Layer(main_env, LambdaNode) # lambda (x y) { [(.+ x y)] } => result: Closure
- Layer(main_env, None, frame = True)
- Layer(main_env, CallNode) # (lambda (x y) { [(.+ x y)] } 1 2)
- Layer(main_env, NumberNode) # 1 => pop Layer, result: Number
- Layer(main_env, None, frame = True)
- Layer(main_env, CallNode) # (lambda (x y) { [(.+ x y)] } 1 2)
- Layer(main_env, NumberNode) # 2 => pop Layer, result: Number
- Layer(main_env, None, frame = True)
- Layer(main_env, CallNode) # (lambda (x y) { [(.+ x y)] } 1 2)
- Layer(main_env, SequenceNode, frame = True) # [(.+ x y)]
- Layer(main_env, None, frame = True)
- Layer(main_env, CallNode) # (lambda (x y) { [(.+ x y)] } 1 2)
- Layer(main_env, SequenceNode, frame = True) # [(.+ x y)]
- Layer(main_env, CallNode) # (.+ x y)
- Layer(main_env, None, frame = True)
- Layer(main_env, CallNode) # (lambda (x y) { [(.+ x y)] } 1 2)
- Layer(main_env, SequenceNode, frame = True) # [(.+ x y)]
- Layer(main_env, CallNode) # (.+ x y)
- Layer(main_env, VariableNode) # x => pop Layer, result: Number
- Layer(main_env, None, frame = True)
- Layer(main_env, CallNode) # (lambda (x y) { [(.+ x y)] } 1 2)
- Layer(main_env, SequenceNode, frame = True) # [(.+ x y)]
- Layer(main_env, CallNode) # (.+ x y)
- Layer(main_env, VariableNode) # y => pop Layer, result: Number
- Layer(main_env, None, frame = True)
- Layer(main_env, CallNode) # (lambda (x y) { [(.+ x y)] } 1 2)
- Layer(main_env, SequenceNode, frame = True) # [(.+ x y)]
- Layer(main_env, CallNode) # (.+ x y) => pop Layer, result: Number
callcc 使用例子:
(.put "main begin" "\n")
(.call/cc lambda (k) {
(.put "sub begin" "\n")
(k "anything you want to return, even the Closure 'k'")
(.put "sub end" "\n")
} )
(.put "main end" "\n")
# 输出 'main begin\nsub begin\nmain end\n'
if intrinsic == '.call/cc':
cont = Continuation(layer.expr.sl, deepcopy(self.stack))
addr = cont.location if cont.location != None else self._new(cont)
closure = args[0]
self.stack.append(Layer(closure.env[:] + [(closure.fun.var_list[0].name, addr)], closure.fun.expr, frame = True))
if type(callee) == Continuation:
# "self.value" already contains the lastevaluation result of the args
self.stack = deepcopy(callee.stack)
更多 callcc 例子见异常、协程
letrec (
f = letrec (lex = 1 Dyn = 101) {
lambda () { [(.put lex "\n") (.put Dyn "\n")] }
) {
letrec (lex = 3 Dyn = 303) { (f) }
# output: 1 303
if type(layer.expr) == LambdaNode:
self.value = Closure(filter_lexical(layer.env), layer.expr)
def lookup_env(name: str, env: list[tuple[str, int]]) -> Union[int, None]:
''' lexically scoped variable lookup '''
for i in range(len(env) - 1, -1, -1):
if env[i][0] == name:
return env[i][1]
return None
def lookup_stack(name: str, stack: list[Layer]) -> Union[int, None]:
''' dynamically scoped variable lookup '''
for i in range(len(stack) - 1, -1, -1):
if stack[i].frame:
for j in range(len(stack[i].env) - 1, -1, -1):
if stack[i].env[j][0] == name:
return stack[i].env[j][1]
return None
闭包调用时,如果是尾调用,则 pop 当前帧的所有 Layer。我认为 callcc 也可以尾调用优化
if type(callee) == Closure:
if layer.frame or layer.tail:
while not self.stack[-1].frame:
self.stack.append(Layer(new_env, closure.fun.expr, frame = True))
class State:
def __init__(self, expr: ExprNode):
self.store = []
self.end = 0
class Layer:
def __init__(self, env: list[tuple[str, int]], expr: ExprNode, frame: Union[bool, None] = None, tail: Union[bool, None] = None):
self.env = env
def _traverse(self, value_callback: Callable, location_callback: Callable)-> None:
# ids
visited_values = set()
# locations
visited_locations = set()
def traverse_value(value: Value) -> None:
if id(value) not in visited_values:
if type(value) == Closure:
for _, loc in value.env:
elif type(value) == Continuation:
for layer in value.stack:
if layer.frame:
for _, loc in layer.env:
if layer.local:
for _, v in layer.local.items():
def traverse_location(location: int) -> None:
if location not in visited_locations:
traverse_value(Continuation(SourceLocation(-1, -1), self.stack))
# call ExprScript function from Python
state = es.State(es.parse(es.lex('(.reg "plus1" lambda (x) { (.+ x 1) })')))
print(state.execute().call_expr_function("plus1", [-6])) # -5
# call Python function from ExprScript
state = es.State(es.parse(es.lex('(.py "rev" (.str+ "na" "me"))')))
print(state.register_python_function("rev", lambda s: s[::-1]).execute()value.value) # "eman"
if intrinsic == '.py':
py_args = []
for i in range(1, len(args)):
if type(args[i]) == Number:
ret = self.python_functions[args[0].value](*py_args)
if intrinsic == '.reg':
self.stack[0].env.insert(0, (args[0].value, args[1]location if args[1].location != None else self._ne(args[1])))
self.value = Void()
def call_expr_function(self, name: str, args: list[Union[str, int]]) -> Union[str, int]:
sl = SourceLocation(-1, -1)
callee = VariableNode(sl, name)
arg_list = []
for a in args:
if type(a) == str:
arg_list.append(StringNode(sl, a))
self.stack.append(Layer(self.stack[0].env, CallNode(sl, callee,arg_list)))
if type(self.value) == String:
return self.value.value
class NumberNode(ExprNode):
def __init__(self, sl: SourceLocation, n: int, d: int):
self.sl = sl
g = gcd(abs(n), d)
self.n = n // g
self.d = d // g
def add(self, other: 'Number') -> 'Number':
n1 = self.n * other.d + other.n * self.d
d1 = self.d * other.d
g1 = gcd(abs(n1), d1)
return Number(n1 // g1, d1 // g1)
def parse_number() -> NumberNode:
if '/' in s:
n, d = s.split('/')
return NumberNode(token.sl, sign * int(n), int(d))
elif '.' in s:
n, d = s.split('.')
return NumberNode(token.sl, sign * (int(n) * (10 ** len(d)) + int(d)), 10 ** len(d))
return NumberNode(token.sl, sign * int(s), 1)
quine 程序表示一个可以生成他自己的源代码的程序。quine.expr
获取当前位置的 continuation
getCC = lambda () {
(.call/cc lambda (k) { (k k) })
获取 cc 后互相传递,具体见 coroutines.expr
同样使用 callcc exception.expr
闭包 + 动态作用域 oop.expr
null = lambda () { # 参数对应 struct 的成员变量,null 没有成员变量
lambda (x) { # 参数用来指定调用哪个成员函数
if (eq x 0) then 1 # null 只有一个成员函数:判断是否为空
else (exit)
cons = lambda (head tail) { # 参数对应 struct 的成员变量,cons 有成员变量 head 和 tail
lambda (x) { # cons 有三个成员函数
if (eq x 0) then 0 # 判断是否为空
else if (eq x 1) then head # 获取成员变量 head
else if (eq x 2) then tail # 获取成员变量 tail
else (exit)
于是调用 struct 实例是这样的
letrec (
null = lambda () {
lambda (x) {
if (.== x 0) then 1
else (exit)
cons = lambda (head tail) {
lambda (x) {
if (.== x 0) then 0
else if (.== x 1) then head
else if (.== x 2) then tail
else (exit)
isnull = lambda (list) {
(list 0)
instanceA = (null)
instanceB = (cons 1 (null))
(.put (isnull instanceA) "\n")
(.put (isnull instanceB) "\n")